Join us for praise, worship and Spirit-filled prayer! Experience the uplifting power of music and community prayer before the Blessed Tabernacle in the Sanctuary. All are welcome!
"The Church must gather in the Upper Room together with Mary, the mother of Jesus (Acts 1:14) in order to receive the power of the Holy Spirit to gain strength and courage to carry out the missionary mandate. We too, like the apostles, need to be transformed and guided by the Spirit." - St. John Paul II Redemptoris Missio
St. Stephen, Martyr invites you to pray and worship with us the first and third Tuesday night from 7:00-8:30 PM in the Sanctuary. Upper Room Prayer Fellowship is a charismatic Christian prayer group of men and women who “Go and make disciples!” A desire to praise and worship God, thirsting for, and internalizing the truths of the faith, seeking a deeper sense and awe of God, openness to a keen awareness of the omnipresence of God, love for the sacred scriptures, a zeal for the seven sacraments, a heart to evangelize and spread the good news of Jesus Christ, a zeal for unity, a passion for fellowship and building community, a hunger to become a saint, and an openness to express and use the charisms of the Holy Spirit in order to build up the kingdom of God, all while honoring and creating a personal relationship with the Triune God.
In Upper Room, we offer prayer requests, chant the Divine Mercy Chaplet, sing, read Scripture, give witness talks, and share charisms of the Holy Spirit.