If you sign up for tables, you must have a table at all weekend Masses - Saturday 5pm, Sunday 7am, 8:30am, and 11:30am. Only parish sponsored activities and ministries can sign up for tables. A cart of tables and and chairs are in Room 3. You must put tables and chairs back after the 11:30am Mass.
Request Table
NOTE: If you will be collecting money at the table, you must fill out an Event Request and it must be approved by the office.
It is essential that you send info for the bulletin and lector announcements to communications@ssmrcc.org two and a half weeks before your table use, in order that the information will appear in the bulletin one week before you're in the commons.
If you need to display photos or video on the TVs, please have your prepared presentation on a flashdrive or CD, and submit it to the office by Monday, 4:00pm prior to the weekend of your presentation. Pictures need to be in Powerpoint or Media Player for a continuous loop presentation.