Your talent is God's gift to you. What you do with it is your gift back to God.
Share your Gifts
According to Pope Francis, “The faith of all Catholics is surely strengthened when they see the good being done in the name of Christ." For Christians, volunteer work is not merely an expression of good will, it is based on a personal experience of Christ. Pope Francis goes on to describe volunteering as a "grace from God and the strength of the church". Spiritual growth and renewal are a continuing part of the life of Christians and a basic part of our parish life. Through stewardship, we thank God for all His blessings by returning to Him a portion of time and talent He has given to us. Spend some time in prayerful thought and consider which ministries are best suited to your talents.
Where is God calling you? Perhaps it's to make a meal for a grieving family, share your warm smile as a greeter, or spend time quietly adoring Our Lord. One thing is certain...following Jesus and being shaped into the person He created you to be will bring you true joy, peace, and fulfillment. We're more interested in helping you to serve in the area of your giftedness than plugging holes. If you're not sure where to serve, consider taking a charism assessment. It's $9 well spent. We'd love to talk to you afterwards and match your gifts with a ministry. When you use your God-given gifts, you give glory to God.
Attend Ministry Training. Contact your Ministry Lead for information on the next Ministry Training.
Get on MSP (Ministry Scheduler Pro). Once Virtus training, background check, and liturgy training is complete, you will be added to MSP and you can begin shadowing. You will receive an email and be prompted to create an account with a login and password. You will be added to the schedule to begin serving.