The power, beauty, and joy of the Cursillo weekend are found as we encounter Christ in ourselves and in each other. The weekend is based on building Christian community. It's a time to discuss your faith, discover your unique gifts from God, examine your conscience, and discover together that we are on a journey to be more like Christ. You are encouraged to bring the presence of Christ to all you meet.
The Cursillo is not intended to convert non-believers to Christianity. The weekend will be centered on the beliefs of the Catholic Church and the Sacraments. The intention is for those who are ready to deepen their relationship with Christ. About 20 men gather from Thursday evening until Sunday afternoon. The group includes a team consisting of a priest and about 12 lay people. There are talks, discussions, sharing, singing, joking, laughing and prayer. The atmosphere is one of joy and grace. During the three days you will participate in several talks by both laypeople and priests. The talks will emphasize the true meaning of grace, the Sacraments, the Mass, the natural and need for prayer, living your daily life in union with God, and introducing Christ to others by word and deed. The Cursillo Weekend provides Catholics in good standing with the Church the opportunity to grow. This experience is not meant to solve problems that exist within us or the our relationships.
The goal of the Cursillo Movement is to make Christ the prime influence in your life and relationships. After the weekend, those who make the Cursillo are encouraged to expand their prayer life, and become a more active apostle with and for Christ. May you be blessed with God's wisdom as you consider participating in this beautiful experience.