Before Liturgy
Please arrive and sign-in at least 30 minutes before Liturgy. Please wear Mass Coordinator (MC) name tag.
The liturgical minister and pen (only use binder if iPad is not working to avoid confusion) and Mass Count sheets should be on the table outside the Sacristy. The counter gadget for the hospitality minister is in the "Admin" drawer. Please make sure it has been reset to all zeros. The IPAD is charging in the sound closet in the Sacristy. Be sure to set it outside the Sacristy as well for check-in.
Check to make sure lights are turned on (including niches in corners). The Sound System and opening of the SAFE will be handle by a staff member.
In the center of the carpeted area outside of the Worship Space should be the following items in height order as you walk from the Commons to the Worship space:
Set up (or check) the credence table:
Once the Procession begins, please assist Hospitality in preventing entrance of parishioners into the worship space until the Presider has entered the Sanctuary (after bowing before the Altar). The Sanctuary is where the Altar is located on the wooden platform. Parishioners can come in after that point and can continue to enter throughout the readings EXCEPT during the Proclamation of the Gospel.
At the 8:30 and 11:30 a.m. Masses--At the beginning of the Creed, give the CLOW leader the "five minute" warning to wrap up their session. Do not allow the children into the worship space until the Preparation of the Gifts begins.
During Preparation of the Gifts, brief the gift "family" on what to do. Line them up immediately in two pairs in the Commons about 6 feet from the glass doors. The first pair carries the baskets (one with the collection, the other with food) and the second pair carries the bread and wine. Instruct the basket carriers that they should follow the Cross Bearer, and when the Cross Bearer nears the Presider or Deacon, the Cross Bearer will step aside. The Gift Bearers should go right up to the Presider or Deacon to give them the gifts. Presider or Deacon will take the baskets and hand them to Altar Servers to place on steps. The pair carrying the bread and wine should then step up to the Presider or Deacon. The Presider or Deacon may say another blessing and then he will take the hosts and wine from them and hand them to Altar Servers who will carry them to Altar.
ONE COLLECTION WEEKEND: When the Presider or Deacon comes down from the Altar and you have all the collection money in the basket, send the gifts down the aisle.
TWO COLLECTION WEEKEND: When the Presider or Deacon comes down from the Altar and you have BOTH collections in their respective baskets, send the gifts down the aisle. DO NOT SEND UNTIL ALL MONEY HAS BEEN COLLECTED AND PLACED IN THE GIFTS BASKET(S).
FOR HOLY COMMUNION: After the Priest has self-communed (after we say "Lord I am not worthy.."), count the number of EMs you see gathering at the carpet. If needed, you could be an EM. (Sometimes the people who are scheduled forget to go up and serve)
MC can receive Eucharist at any convenient time during Holy Communion.
The wine will be consumed at the end of Holy Communion either at their Cup station or at the Credence Table. Cups are purified by the Presider or Deacon. As the MC, you may go to the credence table as the Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion (EMs) gather there and offer to help consume the remaining Blood of Christ. Sometimes this is necessary when a large amount is left unconsumed.
Sprinkling Rite