Journey meets Sunday mornings in the Parish Office from 9:45 - 11:15 AM (between the Masses). Although the calendar runs from September through May, new folks join us all year long. Schedule a 1:1 to get started.
Nothing! Normally, it's $75 to cover the cost of the Bible, Catechism, binder, and materials. However, a benevolent parishioner who chooses to remain anonymous offered to pay for everyone's registration fee this year. Amazing!
After an opening prayer, we hear a short witness talk, watch a video, break into small groups for discussion, then close with resolutions and prayer.
We work our way through the Catechism, which is a summary of the essential doctrines of the Catholic Church which conveys the truth, beauty, and goodness of our faith in a way which is ever ancient, ever new.
We use The New Catholic Answer Bible and The Seeker's Catechism. These books are included in your registration and will be distributed at the first session, along with a study binder. Short readings assignments are to be completed before most sessions.
Sometimes looking at the whole year can feel daunting. Not to worry. Simply commit to one session. Most people decide to come back for another, then another.
Nope. That decision is between you and the Holy Spirit. You will get absolutely no pressure from the Journey Team to receive the Sacraments. We propose-not impose. Some people attend Journey several times before they are ready. Others decide not to receive the Sacraments. All are welcome.
Our parish provides a free subscription to, which is like Catholic Netflix. To register for free access, select Formed for Parishes, Sign In, enter your info and 23322, choose St. Stephen, Martyr, then check your email. go to, select Formed for Parishes, click Sign Up, enter your info and 23322, choose St. Stephen, Martyr, then check your email..
During Journey, we view Symbolon--the older version hosted by Dr. Edward Sri, not the new version. We watch the Teen Links during Journey sessions, but recommend the Adult Link at home.
We will discuss elements throughout the year and offer a Teaching Mass and Tour of the Church. In the meantime, you may find this Mass Guide helpful to learn responses and when to stand and sit.
One of the reasons we chose Symbolon video format is so you can watch the videos on your own the weeks you miss. We ask that you reach out to your small group leader or sponsor to discuss the video.
Previous Marriage
If you or your spouse/fiancé has had any previous marriages, set up an appointment with Deacon Kevin to the possibility of an annulment. The annulment process can take 6 - 18 months, so it's recommended to begin as soon as possible. Please provide the certificate(s) of marriage and divorce decree(s) to Deacon Kevin.
Declaration of Nullity
If you or your spouse/fiancé had a previous marriage declared null, please send a copy of the decree along with date, city, state, and diocese of the declaration to the Journey Coordinator.
If you and your spouse got married outside of the Catholic Church and desire to have your marriage blessed, please contact Deacon Kevin.
If you are not yet a parishioner, welcome! Kindly register as a parishioner by creating a My Own Church account.