As we continue to grow as a welcoming and vibrant parish community, we are looking for a dedicated individual to step into the role of Hospitality Ministry Lead. This vital ministry ensures that all who enter our doors feel the warmth and love of Christ through our acts of welcome and service.
Hospitality ministers are often known as greeters and ushers and have responsibilities before, during and after Mass. They welcome everyone as they come to Mass, host the Welcome Desk in the Commons before and after Mass, recruit members of the congregation to carry the gifts in the Offertory Procession and help people find a seat. In the course of the liturgy, they pass the collection baskets, assist with orderly movement during Holy Communion, man the entry doors for reverent traffic flow, and are ready to serve those with special needs. After Mass, they hand out bulletins and tidy up the worship space looking for lost and found items. The hospitality ministry is a great opportunity for families to serve together since some tasks require an adult and others are suitable for children. Ministry formation and training sessions are offered throughout the year.
The ideal candidate for this role is:
We want to thank Pam Wilgus for her many years of dedicated service to this ministry!
Thank you for considering this opportunity to serve our parish. Together, we can continue to share God's love and hospitality with all who come through our doors. If you feel called to this ministry or know someone who might be a good fit, reach out to Melissa King Gibson at [email protected] or 757-573-6774.
Our parish Welcome Table is an extension of the Hospitality Ministry. Its purpose is to welcome newcomers and visitors to our parish, assist in registering new parishioners, answer general questions, and help connect people to the various ministries and activities of our parish.
Hours: The table should be manned 30 minutes prior to the beginning of Mass and for 30 minutes after Mass. For example: if you are covering the table for the 5 PM Saturday Mass you should be in place at the table by 4:30 PM. Once the lector takes to the ambo for the announcements before Mass you should take your seat in the worship space. After Mass you will want to be at the table just before the recessional.
Exception: we will not man the table 30 minutes prior the 7:00 AM Sunday Mass, but we will man it for the 30 minutes after this Mass.
Manning: One person should man the table. It’s important that those manning the table not become engrossed in personal conversation. Our role is to be 100% available in welcoming others and answering questions.
Welcome and Information Table Binder: At the Welcome Table is a binder that contains a Table Log, Call Back Cards, a Parish Directory and Information page, and a General Parish Information sheet.
Table Log: Please make an entry in the log for every visitor you receive at the table. These entries will help us see trends regarding questions asked and periods of activity.
Call Back Cards: If someone has a question, concern, or interest in a ministry or program that you cannot fully address, have them complete a Call Back Card. This will enable someone to call them back to address their question or need. Completed Call Back Cards should be placed in the “Office Tray” in the Sacristy. (Please verify name, e-mail and phone number with interested person.)
Parish Directory and Information Page / General Parish Information Sheet: These pages offer guidance and information helpful in answering questions.
New Parishioner Registration: All new parishioners are to register online using My Own Church. At the Welcome Table you will find a supply of bookmarks with the heading, “Join My Own Church at St. Stephen, Martyr in 5 Easy Steps.” Please give a bookmark to everyone who wishes to register. For those individuals who are not tech savvy or simply prefer not to register online, they should call the parish office (757-421-7416) and a member of our staff will assist them in registering.
Miscellaneous Issues: Due to security reasons, we are not allowed to collect money for any parish function at the Welcome Table. This includes education fees, registration fees, or donations. Please explain this to anyone who wants you to accept cash or checks to be turned into the office. If the only way to prevent a hostile confrontation is to accept the money, then please place the money / check and any registration form in an envelope (found in the Welcome Table binder) and give it to the Mass Coordinator. He or she will then place the envelope in the safe.