Parish Finance Council members provide support to our pastor in the administration of the goods of the parish. They assist the pastor in developing a balance parish budget each fiscal year, monitor the finances of the parish monthly, and assist the pastor in compiling an Annual Report for the Bishop at the conclusion of each fiscal year. Parish Finance Councils are mandated by Section 537, Code of Canon Law. They are not discretionary but must be formed, operate within the law and serve as a valuable resource of financial and fiscal advice to each pastor. It is through the talents of these members of our parish laity that the funds and financial resources of our parishes are to be safeguarded and utilized in the best interests of the parish mission statement. (Most Rev.) Francis X. DiLorenzo, Bishop of Richmond, March 1, 2007
The parish’s expectations of its Finance Council members include, but are not limited to, the following:
To worship within the parish and live as a Catholic, faithful to Christ before the world
To follow diocesan norms for Parish Finance Councils
To attend the regularly scheduled meetings
To assist the pastor when needed in the ongoing financial administration of the parish
To be concerned and work for the welfare of the entire parish