Every year we hold our Annual Appeal, and donations from that appeal supports worthy efforts of the Catholic Diocese of Richmond (CDR). In addition to supporting CDR, the parish receives a portion of those funds raised back to our church. New this year we have four special projects at St. Stephen, Martyr that we would like our parishioners to decide how those returned funds be used.
1. Stain Glass in the new, big window in the new multi-purpose room
2. Wood panels/chair rail (oak wainscoting) in the new multipurpose room
3. Additional furnishing which may include statue/artwork for commons and new space 4. Enhanced landscaping around the portico
The weekend of February 22/23, 2025 in the Commons after each Mass, we will be soliciting your vote, or use the form to cast your vote. Voting ends 2/23/25 at 1:00 PM.