Difference Makers will have a table in the Commons on November 16-17 to pass out Christmas Stockings to take home and stuff. We are hoping to bring 300 smiles to children in need in Hampton Roads for Christmas. Please help us make a difference! Please return filled stockings on the weekends of November 23-24 or November 30-December 1 and place them in the boxes in the Commons. Over the past 15 years, we you have helped make Christmas a little brighter for over 4,500 local children. Contact Debbie with questions.
Difference Makers
Teens serving the needy in Hampton Roads
Be the Change!
Difference Makers is an organization of teens that serves the needy and homeless in our local communities. Our mission is to help those in need and make a difference by engaging in service activities. Please join us and be a force for God’s love and for change. Jesus said that whatever you do to help those in need, you are doing for Him. Let’s help as many as we can!
Here's some of the service we do:
Serve in local soup kitchens
Fill Christmas stockings for the Salvation Army
Work for the Chesapeake Area Shelter Team (CAST) and the Norfolk Emergency Shelter Team (NEST)
Serve at the All Nations Church Homeless Outreach Program
Provide furniture and other needed items to families in need