On behalf of our entire parish, welcome to St. Stephen, Martyr. Whether you just moved to the area or are looking for a new church home, we pray you find peace, joy, hope, and purpose in our vibrant Catholic community  missioned to love God, love others, be disciples, and make disciples. Blessings,  Fr. Charles Ssebalamu
For new joining servers (must have made their first communion) or current servers wanting a refresher. We will begin in room 2 until after Mass, then move to the worship space. Please RSVP by text to 757-572-3907.
Anyone interested in volunteering to give our Memorial Prayer Garden a facelift, contact Cindy Piccirilli or visit the table in the Commons after Mass.
Treat your Valentine to a beautiful arrangement, blooming plant, or fresh cut bouquet! Your purchase supports the St. Stephen, Martyr Altar Guild to fund the flowers for Lent and Easter.
Do you use E-Giving and no longer need giving envelopes? If so, please contact the Parish Office at (757) 421-7416 or [email protected] with your name and envelope number to request the stop.